How to update the Mobile Application

Table of Contents


1. For Android mobile phones


1.1 How to update to the latest version of the UNSMIS application

1. Open the Play Store

PlayStore button  

2. Tap on the magnifying glass at the bottom

Magnifying glass in PlayStore  

3. On the top of the screen, in the search bar, type UNSMIS and tap on the magnifying glass key

Search the UNSMIS application  

4. Locate the UNSMIS application and tap on the Update button

Update the UNSMIS application  

5. Wait until the update is completed and tap on the Open button

Open the UNSMIS application  

6. If the update requires you to authenticate again, you will be redirected to the Login screen. Enter your insurance number, username and password which are the same credentials you have for the eClaims portal. If you do not remember one of them, you will find help on this page

Authenticate in the UNSMIS application  


1.2 How to configure your mobile phone to update applications automatically

1. Open the Play Store

Button PlayStore  

2. At the right of your screen, tap on your profile picture

User profile in PlayStore  

3. Tap on Settings

Settings in PlayStore  

4. Tap on Network preferences and then on Auto-update apps

Update settings in network preferences  

5. Tap on Update over Wi-Fi only

Automatic update using Wifi connection  


2. For iOS (Apple) mobile phones


2.1 How to update to the latest version of the UNSMIS application

1. Open the App Store

App Store button  

2. Tap on the magnifying glass at the bottom

Magnifying glass in AppStore  

3. On top of the screen, in the search bar, type UNSMIS and tap on the magnifying glass key

Search the UNSMIS application  

4. Locate the UNSMIS application and tap on the Update button

Update the UNSMIS application  

5. Wait until the update is completed and tap on the Open button

Open the UNSMIS application  

6. If the update requires you to authenticate again, you will be redirected to the Login screen. Enter your insurance number, username and password which are the same credentials you have for the eClaims portal. If you do not remember one of them, you will find help on this page

Authenticate in the UNSMIS application  


2.2 How to configure your iPhone to update applications automatically

1. Tap on Settings

Settings button  

2. Tap on App Store

AppStore in Settings  

3. Enable App Updates by tapping on it, if not already the case

Applications automatic update