Premium Contributions

The United Nations Staff Mutual Insurance Society against Sickness and Accident is a medical insurance fund that is subsidized by the participating Organizations. Contributions for Active Staff are subsidized by 50% by the Organization, increasing to two thirds in respect of Retired Staff.

The Premiums are payable for the full month for each month of the calendar year. Hence if an individual becomes affiliated on the 10th day of any given month for example, the premium for the month will be paid in full with no pro-rata calculation.

The percentage of premium contributions is calculated on the basis of net salary. In the case of UNSMIS net salary is defined in Rule VII paragraph 2. (b) 

In the case of a Retiree who elects for coverage after separation the monthly contribution shall be calculated on the basis of all the income paid under the terms of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, or appendix D of the Staff Rules, or both, taking into account, where appropriate, the lump sum withdrawn on retirement. The minimum contribution is calculated on the basis of a pension corresponding to at least 20 year’s service for staff members recruited before 1 July 2007 and 25 years service for staff members recruited on the 1 July 2007 or thereafter.

For more detailed information on the rules governing monthly premium contribution, as well as situations of Part Time work and Special Leave Without Pay please refer to Rule VII of the Internal Rules.

Insurance coverage is contingent on the insurance premia being in full. Failure to pay the premium owed can result in coverage being deemed null and void for the concerned period. In some circumstances, if the insurance risk has been carried by UNSMIS,  insurance premia will have to be collected retroactively, irrespectively if any claims were submitted during the period in question. 

Below is the schedule of contributions pertaining to the participant's share for the period 1 January 2016 onwards.


Percentage on Net Salary*/Pension**

Payable by Insured Person |

Payable by Organization

Staff Member Only



Staff Member with One Dependent



Staff Member with more than One Dependent



Retired Member Only



Retired Member with One Dependent



Retired Member with more than One Dependent



*For purposes of this calculation "net salary" means gross basic salary less staff assessment, plus post adjustment, spouse allowance, single parent allowance, transitional allowance, non-resident's allowance and language allowance where applicable.

**For retirees the monthly contribution is calculated on basis of all income paid under the Terms and Regulations of the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund, or appendix D of the Staff Rules, or both, taking into account, where appropriate, the lump sum withdrawn on retirement. The minimum contribution is calculated on basis of a pension corresponding to at least 20 year’s service for staff members recruited before 1 July 2007 and 25 years service for staff members recruited on 1 July 2007 or thereafter.

Specially Protected Persons

Flat premium until |
31 January 2025   |

Flat premium after
1 February 2025

Non-dependent spouse

CHF 350

CHF 500

Non-dependent unmarried child under 21 years of age

CHF 130

CHF 150

Dependent unmarried child from 21 to 24 years of age

CHF 130

CHF 150

Dependent unmarried child from 25 to 29 years of age

CHF 200

CHF 230

Father, mother, brother or sister considered as secon­dary dependents

CHF 500

CHF 575

Family Members not recognized as financially dependents and/or Secondary dependents can also be insured with UNSMIS. In such cases a flat premium, entirely funded by the insured, is deducted from the Staff Member's salary.  Please refer to Annex IV of the Internal Rules to fully understand the limitations of  coverage for dependent parents and siblings. If an insured family member has SPP status upon retirement of the insured member, then, if they are eligible for ASHI, they may remain insured but only as an SPP.