Prosthetic Appliances (other than Dental)
Subject to Prior Authorization of the Medical Advisor reimbursement is at 80% of the accepted cost estimate accepted by the Executive Committee for consultation with the Medical Adviser. The Supplementary Plan is NOT applicable.
Please note that heal and sole fittings purchased in a pharmacy or a specialized store are NOT reimbursed.
Made-to-measure orthopedic arch supports
Reimbursed at 80% subject to a maximum of CHF 200 per annum and limited to one pair per annum, subject to a valid medical prescription. Prior Authorization is NOT necessary and the Supplementary Plan is NOT applicable.
Lumbar Support and Joint Support
Lumbar support Belts and neck braces (minerva jackets) as well support appliances for joints are reimbursed at 80% with a maximum ceiling of CHF 300 per item, subject to a valid medical prescription. Prior Authorization is NOT necessary and the Supplementary Plan is NOT applicable.
Wheel Chair
Subject to Prior Approval by the UNSMIS Medical Adviser upon presentation of a valid medical prescription and an estimate, the costs are reimbursed at 80% with maximum ONE chair every FIVE years and a maximum ceiling of CHF 3,500 for a manual wheelchair, CHF 5,000 for an electric wheelchair and CHF 17,000 for an electric wheelchair with standing functions. These ceilings include maintenance costs. The additional plan is NOT applicable.The Supplementary Plan is NOT applicable.
Hearing Aids
Expenses for hearing aids are reimbursed if and only if the use of the device is certified as necessary by an Otologist.
Reimbursed at 80% of bill up to maximum ceiling of CHF 2,600 per hearing aid/per ear for ONE appliance every FIVE years.
Reimbursement is processed on presentation of the invoice, an audiogram and an otologist's prescription. Prior Authorization from the Medical Advisor is not required.
Please note that repair cost and batteries for said equipment may be reimbursed, but the amount will be deducted from the five year credit limit.
Breathing Device (NCPAP)
The initial trial period is covered at 80% up to a maximum period of 6 months with a valid medical prescription.
Purchase following the trial period, is then reimbursed at 80% with a maximum ceiling of CHF 2,800 every FIVE years upon presentation of a valid medical prescription.
Please note that maintenance costs for said equipment may be reimbursed, but the amount will be deducted from the five year credit limit.
Other prosthetics and devices
Blood pressure monitor: 80% maximum, one lifetime, with a valid medical prescription.
Breast pump: 80% maximum, CHF 200 with a valid medical prescription.
Wig (following cancer): 80% maximum, CHF 1,000, one per year, with a valid medical prescription.