UNSMIS relies on you, our insured members, to be diligent and attentive to avoid unnecessary costs and expenses. Keeping an attentive eye on costs and avoiding providers that charge excessive fees is your duty as an insured member.
An attentive behaviour towards costs translates, long-term, into more stable monthly insurance premium deductions and a healthier long-term financial solvency of the insurance plan. A healthier long-term solvency of the plan means that generations to come will be able to enjoy the same coverage with similar benefits at a similar cost. As an insured member, you are aware that UNSMIS pays a lot of attention not merely to solidarity amongst plan members, but also to inter-generational solidarity. It is important to safeguard the long-term financial health of the plan without this being at the expense of the benefits provided. This is not possible without, amongst other things, a diligent and thoughtful use of the insurance plan by insured members.
UNSMIS would like to emphasize that attentive behavior to cost does not equate to poorer healthcare. All we ask is that as insured members you remain vigilant to providers that over prescribe and overcharge. To help insured members navigate a sometimes-complex landscape, UNSMIS has invested significant time and effort to set up conventions and direct pay agreements with medical providers. Please refer to the dedicated page on this website for more information on agreements with providers.